Your Ghost Hunt at Nothe Fort
The immense size of Nothe Fort will give you many investigation areas. Ghost hunting at this location will definitely keep you on your toes as you will be confronted with a variety of sinister and foreboding areas of this fantastic Fort. Using our ghost hunting equipment and working in small groups you will have the opportunity to get the very best out of this experience and discover for yourself if ghosts and spirits truly exist.
Do you have the courage to take part in what can only be described as a unique and intense ghost hunt at the haunted Nothe Fort?
Hauntings of Nothe Fort
There are numerous hauntings at Nothe Fort in Dorset. People have described hearing a whistling on many occasions along with the sense of being touched. Figures have been seen gliding along the parapets and shadows have been witnessed by many. Just the experience of being in this dark foreboding Fort can make you feel really unsettled but even more so when you realise that you are not alone.
You will need all your senses about you as you work in the extreme darkness and for those brave enough to try a lone vigil or to actively demand paranormal activity, you never know who or what may respond!
History of Nothe Fort
Nothe Fort was commissioned in 1860 and operational in 1872. The fort was built as a sea defence on the Dorset coast against the ever growing threat of French invasion. Initially left unarmed there was no likelihood of it originally being invaded however, this changed when it was armed with 12 muzzle loading defence guns.
During World War 1 Nothe Fort guns were taken out of service due to minimal risk of a sea attack. During World War 11 however, an anti-aircraft gun is added to the tower and Nothe Fort becomes an important and key part of Britain's defence when a German air invasion was expected in 1940.
By the 1970’s the military no longer had any use for the fort and ownership was then transferred over to Weymouth and Portland Borough Council where it fell quickly into a state of decay. Since 1980 it has been guided by the Weymouth & Portland Civic Society is now an important part of Britain's history. The restored Fort is a now one of the best preserved Palmerston forts in the country and an extremely popular attraction where up to sixty thousand people a year travel to see the impressive and important architecture and masonry. With over 70 rooms displaying the immense history of the site, there are also wonderful views of the Dorset coast.
Your Event Includes
- Use of ghost hunting equipment including EMF Meters, K2 Meters etc.
- Experiments including glass divination, table tipping and Ouija Boards.
- Ghost hunting vigils and séances in small groups.
- Includes teas and coffees
- Free time to investigate alone
Address, Maps & Hotels
Address & Hotel Information
Nothe Fort
Barrack Road
For Hotels near to
Nothe Fort , please click here. opens in a new window
- This location is not suitable for wheelchair users
- This location is not suitable for people with mobility issues or walking difficulties
- All attendees must be 18 years or older
- All attendees must bring a torch
- Wear sensible shoes and warm layered clothing as the location may get cold at night