As mentioned, the Black and White Museum is rarely investigated. This is such an opportunity for anyone interested in ghost hunting to join us and witness the level of activity in this haunted building. We will do all that we can to elicit the paranormal activity here using modern ghost hunting methods as well as using traditional methods of ghost hunting.
You will be working in small groups around the most active parts of the building in an attempt to make contact with those that still reside here. The Haunted Happenings Team will guide you and ensure that you have every opportunity to carry out an authentic ghost hunt. Your evidence is important and we cannot wait to work with you as we gather as much as we can.
The hauntings of The Black and White Museum are numerous. Visitors report feeling extremely vulnerable when walking around here even in the daytime. Those that work here have felt sinister murmurs and whispering voices along with hearing unnatural footsteps when nobody is around. Cold spots and doors opening and closing are a common occurrence here. When you realise that this is happening mainly during the day, imagine how it will feel in the dead of night.
The Black and White House Museum is a 17th Century timber-framed building which began its life as a Butcher’s Shop and residential dwelling. During the English Civil War it was one of the only buildings left in the town, narrowly avoiding destruction. It then continued its journey as many other uses including a fish and hardware shop before it was altered considerably to serve as a bank. It was carefully and authentically restored in 1927 when taken over by the City as a Museum to give modern visitors the opportunity to tangibly understand what life was like in the 17th Century as an inhabitant of Hereford Town.
It is a fascinating museum giving a true insight into daily life in Jacobean times. It is furnished in period style with an internationally important collection of English oak furniture and there are interesting pieces in every room. Of particular interest to many visitors are the rare wall-paintings, the four-poster bed and the baby-walkers.
Your Event Includes
- Use of ghost hunting equipment including EMF Meters, K2 Meters etc.
- Experiments including glass divination, table tipping and Ouija Boards.
- Workshop and separate vigils for returning guests.
- Ghost hunting vigils and séances in small groups.
- Includes teas and coffees
- Free time to investigate alone
Address, Maps & Hotels
Address & Hotel Information
Black and White House Museum
Friars Street
For Hotels near to
Black And White House Museum , please click here. opens in a new window
- Street Parking and Local Car Parks
- This location is not suitable for wheelchair users
- All attendees must be 18 years or older
- All attendees must bring a torch
- Wear sensible shoes and warm layered clothing as the location may get cold at night